Classical The best music site on the web there is where you can read about and listen to blues, jazz, classical music and much more. This is your ultimate music resource. Tons of albums can be found within. Fri, 26 Jul 2024 13:57:51 +0000 Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management en-gb Thomas Bergersen - Illusions (2011) Thomas Bergersen - Illusions (2011)

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1 	Aura 	7:43
2 	Starvation 	4:26
3 	Dreammachine 	4:17
4 	Hurt 	1:43
5 	Ocean Princess 	2:52
6 	Gift Of Life 	3:22
7 	Rada 	4:35
8 	A Place In Heaven 	4:13
9 	Merchant Prince 	2:26
10 	Promise 	4:58
11 	Femme Fatale 	4:11
12 	Homecoming 	2:56
13 	Immortal 	4:07
14 	Remember Me 	4:29
15 	Sonera 	5:45
16 	Reborn 	3:53
17 	Age Of Gods 	2:30
18 	Illusions 	8:01
19 	Soulseeker 	3:14

Cello – Tina Guo (tracks: 6, 10)
Vocals – Colin O'Malley (tracks: 15), Elitsa Todorova (tracks: 19),
 Jenifer Thigpen (tracks: 8, 15), Kate St. Pierre (tracks: 4, 9, 16, 18),
  Merethe Soltvedt (tracks: 5, 6, 9, 10, 13, 14), Vladislava Vasileva (tracks: 3, 7, 11)
Capellen Orchestra
Orchestrated By, Producer – Thomas Bergersen


“”Illusions” has been my pet project for the last 3 or so years. Every time I wrote a piece of music I felt was a little more special than my usual output, I would put it aside for this album. I wanted to create a musical soundscape that transcended all ethnic boundaries, combining traditional western orchestras with folk music culture from around the world. The purpose was to bring all the wonderful musical wonders of the world together in a big collective hug. That is why you can hear traces of folk music, from my Norwegian heritage, to the mystical voices of the middle east, to the ethereal voices of the Bulgarian people, to the amazing lyrical woodwinds in Armenia. The list goes on. The amazing technology of today could not be overlooked, so I incorporated a lot of organic synthesized sounds into the music. It is the year 2011 after all, and I wanted to acknowledge that and pay my respect to the musical advancement in the technological field as well. In the end, though, it is the wonderful voices from around the world that really glue “Illusions” together. These girls have inspired me so tremendously. I truly could not have done this without them.

Music is all about expression. To me, music theory is an obstruction. I love composing music because it liberates me from social conventions and authorities. It is pure freedom to me. The last thing I want to be doing is follow academic guidelines and rules that directly inhibit my creative freedom. Music is my sanctum and theory has no access. “Illusions” reflects this 100%.” ---Thomas Bergersen,



Two Steps From Hell to ewenement, ponieważ żadna inna firma nie zdobyła tak wielkiej popularności w tak krótkim czasie. Współzałożyciele Nick Phoenix i Thomas Bergersen pojawili się w branży w 2006 roku, czy raczej błyskawicznie zdobyli ją szturmem, zwłaszcza po wyjściu albumu Nemesis, zgarniając większość kasowych projektów, których listę możecie zobaczyć na ich oficjalnej stronie. Od tamtej pory stali się niemal wzorem Trailer Music dla większości laickich słuchaczy. Co ciekawe, kompozytorzy zawdzięczają swą wysoką popularność… piractwu internetowemu. Dokładnie tak. Tylko i wyłącznie dzięki piractwu powstał trend, polegający na tym, że sporo firm zaczęło wydawać składanki swych najlepszych utworów, lub udostępniać katalogowe albumy w publicznej sprzedaży. Dawniej nieliczni mieli szansę wejść w posiadanie całych katalogów w wersji cyfrowej, a nawet pod postacią płyt, co dzisiaj przestało być ekskluzywnością, choć fizyczne krążki wciąć trudno zdobyć.

Poza chórami, kompozycje Phoenixa i Bergersena różnią się od siebie pod wieloma innymi względami. Nick często korzysta z muzyki metalowej, rockowej i elektronicznej, nie stroniąc również od elementów muzyki Bliskiego Wschodu. Thomas na swej stronie internetowej określił się mianem kompozytora muzyki World, a więc również wykorzystuje muzykę etniczną, ale w inny sposób niż jego partner. World to muzyka naśladująca lub będąca mieszanką wielu kultur, co da się usłyszeć w twórczości Norwega, nie stroniącego także od wielu innych gatunków, głównie tych elektronicznych, jak chociażby EDM. Wszystko to oczywiście zależne od rodzaju albumu, nad jakim pracują. Volume One był pierwszym orkiestralnym albumem wydanym przez TSFH i miał on charakter typowo filmowy, podobnie zresztą jak Dynasty, choć już nieco bardziej epicki. Muzyka obu kompozytorów nabrała swoich ostatecznych kształtów dopiero po albumie Nemesis, do którego niemal wszystkie utwory, poza jedynym, skomponował Thomas.

Thomas Bergersen wydał w 2011 roku solowy album Illusions, zaś w tym roku jego kontynuację – Sun. Od czasów Illusions, Thomas chętnie korzysta z bułgarskich żeńskich wokali oraz chórów, sięgając tym samym do bułgarskiej tradycji. Świetnym przykładem jest utwór Starvation, w którym żeński chór śpiewa w oparciu o znaną bułgarską ludową piosenkę Aishinko, pilya shareno. Innymi przykładami mogą być Starfall z albumu Nero, Welcome to Amaria z albumu Amaria oraz spora część utworów z Sun.

download (mp3 @320 kbs):

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]]> (bluesever) Bergersen Thomas Sat, 19 May 2018 13:49:20 +0000
Thomas Bergersen - Sun (2014) Thomas Bergersen - Sun (2014)

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1 	Before Time		2:18
2 	Creation of Earth	5:45
3 	Sun		4:08
4 	Cry		4:06
5 	Our Destiny 	3:52
6 	New Life	4:46
7 	Final Frontier	4:48
8 	Starchild 	3:20
9 	Colors of Love	6:29
10 	Cassandra 	3:06
11 	Always Mine		3:21
12 	Dragonland		5:11
13 	Fearless	3:59
14 	Empire of Angels	5:14
15 	Two Hearts		4:16
16 	In Paradisum	5:30

Thomas Bergersen - Violin [Electric Violin] (tracks: 1,3,6,11,12,13)
Merethe Soltvedt - vocals (tracks: 3,11,14,15)
The Choir of Sofia (tracks: 2,6,9,13)
Capellen Choir (tracks: 16)
T. Rex (tracks: 2)
Chris Bleth - Whistle [Irish Whistle] (tracks: 6)
18 French Horns (tracks: 7)
Capellen Orchestra
Petr Pololanik - conductor


You've almost certainly heard the work of Norwegian composer Thomas Bergersen, even if you don't recall the name. Bergersen has developed a estimable reputation in the entertainment industry for his powerful and evocative instrumental pieces, which have been used in trailers for a number of major motion pictures, including Avatar, Pirates of the Caribbean, Twilight, The Dark Knight, and many more. Bergersen is the co-founder of Two Steps from Hell, a music production company that provides scoring for movie promotional campaigns, and as his work has become better known, Bergersen has branched out into writing and recording music that stands on its own. Sun is Bergersen's second album of original music, following the success of 2011's Illusions, and comprises symphonic pieces in which the composer employs large orchestras and world-class soloists (over 200 musicians took part in the recording sessions) to bring his grand-scale musical visions to life. ---Mark Deming, AllMusic Review


The album starts off with a short, slow and calm track ‘Before time’ very melodic with a great cello followed by the first real dramatic track ‘Creation of Earth’. ‘Sun’ already known to us before, it was on the you tube channel featuring Thomas’s girlfriend Cassandra, a romantic track with much orchestral beauty. ‘Cry’ one of my very favourites is melodic and I so love the full orchestra in this piece, I cannot get enough of it. ‘Our Destiny’ another dramatic track, amazing piano piece at the beginning, the choir, the fast and furious strings gives it this classical feeling like a piece of Beethoven, very monumental and then it goes to pure epicness, an amazing piece to combine both types, ending in pure classical delight. ‘NewLife’ brings a calm, soft, emotional side to life, a musical gem whereas ‘Final Frontier’ is again an epic track . It features in the Trailer of the film “Interstellar” Sci-Fi Movie. ‘Starchild’ is epic and fast and I could imagine it being music for a trailer again as you can imagine stories going along wiht it, it let’s your imagination run wild. ‘Colours of Love’ – the title reminds me of ‘The Magic of Love’ ( from the album Archangel) which is pure musical love. The ‘Colours of love’ is the longest track of the album with 6.29 minutes and again you can feel the love and happiness. It is a very happy and cheerful track which could go on for even longer for me. ‘Cassandra’ was dedicated to Thomas’s girlfriend, composed and shared some time ago it is a beautiful love song. With ‘Always mine’ the love story continues, a melodic, happy and loving track, a great one to walk to as it gives you a real swing into your steps. ‘Dragonland’ and ‘Fearless’ are real epic tracks again great trailer music for me. ‘Empire of Angels’ starts slowly building up to the bigger orchestra with beautiful violin highlights then ending quietly again. ‘Two hearts’ an emotional track with chimes, a beautiful voice and violins, full of love. The album ends with ‘In Paradisum’ a slow and calm track with choir (more like his ‘Hymn to life’). For me it could be the background for a meditation session.

Some tracks give you goosebumps, some make you smile, some make you sing or hum to them, some inspire, they make you happy, they make you feel the love and they let you gasp because of their musical awesomeness.

download (mp3 @320 kbs):

yandex mediafire gett



]]> (bluesever) Bergersen Thomas Fri, 11 May 2018 14:24:42 +0000