Książki, Lekcje, Filmy The best music site on the web there is where you can read about and listen to blues, jazz, classical music and much more. This is your ultimate music resource. Tons of albums can be found within. http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/ksiazki-lekcje-filmy/2368.html Sat, 25 Jan 2025 06:17:22 +0000 Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management pl-pl Sting in Warsaw - Broken Music Tour 2005 http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/ksiazki-lekcje-filmy/2368-films/26873-sting-in-warsaw-broken-music-tour-2005-.html http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/ksiazki-lekcje-filmy/2368-films/26873-sting-in-warsaw-broken-music-tour-2005-.html Sting in Warsaw - Broken Music Tour 2005

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1.Message In A Bottle 0:00:00
2.Demolition Man 0:04:55
3.Spirits In The Material World 0:09:10
4.Synchronicity II 0:13:12
5.The Hounds Of Winter 0:17:56
6.If I Ever Lose My Faith In You 0:23:31
7.Driven To Tears 0:28:20
8.Heavy Cloud No Rain 0:32:21
9.Invisible Sun 0:36:04
10.Why Should I Cry For You 0:40:55
11.Fields Of Gold (not broadcasted)
12.A Day In A Life 0:45:12
13.The Soul Cages/King Of Pain 0:49:28 / 0:52:49
14.Voices Inside My Head 0:56:08
15.When The World Is Running Down 0:57:49
16.Roxanne 1:02:43
17.Desert Rose 1:09:34
18.Next To You 1:15:07
19.Every Breath You Take 1:17:22
20.Fragile 1:24:25

Sting - Broken Music Tour 2005
Sluzewiec Horsetrack, Warsaw
24 September 2005

Sting - vocals, bass guitar
Dominic Miller - guitar
Lyle Workman - guitar
Josh Freese - drums

download (Mkv @1883 MB):

yandex uloz.to workupload



administration@theblues-thatjazz.com (bluesever (Bogdan Marszałkowski)) Films, Video Fri, 14 May 2021 15:48:51 +0000
Myslovitz - Concert at the European Parliament 2011 http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/ksiazki-lekcje-filmy/2368-films/26828-myslovitz-concert-at-the-european-parliament-2011.html http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/ksiazki-lekcje-filmy/2368-films/26828-myslovitz-concert-at-the-european-parliament-2011.html Myslovitz - Concert at the European Parliament 2011

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1. Skaza (0:16​)
2. Nienawiść (6:19​)
3. Za zamkniętymi oczami (10:15​)
4. Sprzedawcy marzeń (13:44​)
5. Z twarzą Marilyn Monroe (17:32​)
6. Art Brut (20:30​)
7. Nocnym pociągiem aż do końca świata (25:43​)
8. Mieć czy być (30:20​)
9. Chłopcy (33:17​)
10. W 10 sekund przez całe życie (37:19​)
11. Ukryte (42:33​)
12. Kraków (47:09​)
13. Acidland (51:29​)
14. Długość dźwięku samotności (55:28​)

For the "Esplanade Solidarność 1980" and "Agora Simone Veil" opening ceremony
European Parliament Brussels, 30 August 2011

Artur Rojek – vocals, guitar
Wojtek Kuderski – drums
Jacek Kuderski – bass
Wojtek Powaga – guitars
Przemek Myszor – guitar, keyboards


Myslovitz is a Polish rock band that started in 1992 by Artur Rojek (vocals, guitar) and Wojkta Powaga (guitar) while they were students in Mysłowice. The name of the band is based on a Latin transcription of the name of their hometown.

download (MP4 @453 MB):

yandex mediafire



administration@theblues-thatjazz.com (bluelover (Bogdan Marszałkowski)) Films, Video Sat, 01 May 2021 14:34:19 +0000
Andrzej Sikorowski - Koncert Jubileuszowy.50 Lat na Estradzie 2020-12-30 http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/ksiazki-lekcje-filmy/2368-films/26827-andrzej-sikorowski-koncert-jubileuszowy50-lat-na-estradzie-2020-12-30.html http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/ksiazki-lekcje-filmy/2368-films/26827-andrzej-sikorowski-koncert-jubileuszowy50-lat-na-estradzie-2020-12-30.html Andrzej Sikorowski - Koncert Jubileuszowy.50 Lat na Estradzie 2020-12-30

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„Ballada o walizce” 
„Bardzo smutna piosenka retro” 
„Przy niedzieli zabawa” 
„Na całość” 
„Daleko, dwa kroki stąd” 
„Ballada o ciotce Matyldzie”
 „Gdy mnie kochać przestaniesz” 
„Blues o starych sąsiadach” 
„Lecz póki co żyjemy” 
„O la ri ja” 
„Od tamtej chwili” 
„Nie przenoście nam stolicy do Krakowa” 
„Na końcu mapy” 
„Kraków, Piwna 7” 
„I garsona” 
„Makiria, makiria”
„Hronia helidonia”
“Dimitroula mou” Kroke – utwór instrumentalny 
„To fengari kani volta, Ego krasi den epina” 
„To diko mou paploma” 
„Antitheta pia” 
„Ta Hartina” 
„Czyjaś ty?” 
„Tęsknota za młodością” 
„Moje dwie ojczyzny” 
„List z wojenki” 
„Kołysanka dla Róży” 
„Koledzy taty” 
„Okno na planty” 
„Lekcja religii” 
„Zmowa z zegarem” 
„Jeść, pić, kochać” 
„To było” 
„Piosenka na koniec świata”

Zespół Pod Budą: 
Andrzej Sikorowski – śpiew, gitara 
Anna Treter – śpiew, instrumenty klawiszowe 
Marek Tomczyk - gitary 
Andrzej Żurek – gitara basowa 
Adam Niedzielin - instrumenty klawiszowe 
Wojciech Fedkowicz – perkusja 

Maja i Andrzej Sikorowski z zespołem: 
Andrzej Sikorowski – śpiew, gitara 
Maja Sikorowska – śpiew 
Jacek Królik – gitara 
Gertruda Szymańska – perkusja, instrumenty perkusyjne 
Tomasz Kupiec – kontrabas 
gościnnie: Jakub Mietła – akordeon 

Maja Sikorowska & Kroke: 
Maja Sikorowska - śpiew 
Tomasz Kukurba – altówka, wokaliza, flet, instrumenty perkusyjne, gwizd 
Jerzy Bawoł – akordeon 
Tomasz Lato – kontrabas 
Sławek Berny – perkusja, instrumenty perkusyjne


Grudzień 1970 roku student IV roku filologii polskiej UJ wygrywa Festiwal Piosenki Studenckiej w Krakowie. Tak zaczyna się trwająca 50 lat przygoda z estradą Andrzeja Sikorowskiego tekściarza, kompozytora, gitarzysty i wokalisty.

“Piosenki piszę i wykonuję je z akompaniamentem gitary od 50 lat. Robię to sam, z zespołem Pod Budą, w towarzystwie swojej córki Mai lub Grzegorza Turnaua. Od czasu do czasu podrzucam coś innym wykonawcom. Należę do tego malutkiego grona szczęściarzy, którym dobrze płatne zajęcie nie sprawia żadnych trudności, daje satysfakcję, popularność, pozwala zwiedzać świat, poznawać wciąż nowych, interesujących ludzi. Nie zamierzam epatować czytających ten tekścik wyliczaniem nagród, złotych czy platynowych płyt, wylansowanych przebojów. W zupełności wystarcza mi satysfakcja czerpana z trwania obok obowiązujących trendów i mód, widoku pełnych sal, czy kogoś roniącego łzę wzruszenia. Pozostaje mi zatem życzyć wszystkim fanom moich utworów, by udało im się tak jak mnie „Jeść, pić, kochać”.” ---polskaplyta-polskamuzyka.pl

download (MP4 @453 MB):

yandex mediafire



administration@theblues-thatjazz.com (bluelover (Bogdan Marszałkowski)) Films, Video Sat, 01 May 2021 10:27:02 +0000
Elvin Bishop - Rawa Blues Festival (2015) http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/ksiazki-lekcje-filmy/2368-films/26559-elvin-bishop-rawa-blues-festival-2015.html http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/ksiazki-lekcje-filmy/2368-films/26559-elvin-bishop-rawa-blues-festival-2015.html Elvin Bishop - Rawa Blues Festival (2015)

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1. Got To Be New Orleans
2. Callin' All Cows
3. Rock My Soul
4. Juke Joint Jump
5. Travelin' Shoes
6. Every Day I Have The Blues (feat. Bettye LaVette)
7. Don't You Lie To Me (feat. Selwyn Birchwood, Irek Dudek, Jarekus Singleton)
8. On My Knees (feat. Selwyn Birchwood, Jarekus Singleton)

Elvin Bishop – vocals,  guitar
Bobby Cochram – drums
Ruth Davis – bass
Ed Early – trombone
Steve Willis – keyboards
Bob Welsh – guitar
Bettye LaVette, Selwyn Birchwood, Irek Dudek, Jarekus Singleton – vocals

Rawa Blues Festival, Katowice, Poland
3 October 2015

download (mp3 @320 kbs):




administration@theblues-thatjazz.com (bluesever) Films, Video Sat, 16 Jan 2021 11:00:50 +0000
Nikolai Rimski-Korsakov - Sadko (2017) http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/ksiazki-lekcje-filmy/2368-films/24920-nikolai-rimski-korsakov-sadko-2017.html http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/ksiazki-lekcje-filmy/2368-films/24920-nikolai-rimski-korsakov-sadko-2017.html Nikolai Rimski-Korsakov - Sadko (2017)

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Zurab Zurabishvili - Sadko
Betsy Horne - Sea Princess Volkhova
Anatoli Kotscherga - Sea King
Victoria Yarovaya - Lubava Bustayevna
Raehann Bryce-Davis - Nezhata
Michael J. Scott - Sopel
Tijl Faveyts - Varyazhskyi merchant
Adam Smith - Hindu merchant
Pavel Yankovski - Venetian merchant
Evgeni SolodovnikovЕвгений - Duda
Choir - Chorus of Opera Vlaanderen
Orchestra - Orchestra of Opera Vlaanderen
Music director - Dmitri Jurowski
Director - Daniel Kramer
2 July 2017, Opera Gent


Opera is capable of great ironic timing. On Monday, the hapless David Davis trooped into Brussels to begin Brexit negotiations with the European Union. The next day, half an hour northwest in Ghent, the enterprising Opera Vlaanderen unveiled its new production of Sadko, whose hero yearns to widen the narrow minds of the citizens of Novgorod and open up trade with their neighbours. Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera has some toothsome musical moments within its seven tableaux, but is rarely performed outside Russia. Sadly, I doubt that Daniel Kramer’s dismal staging will win it many new friends.

The plot is rooted in 12th-century folklore. Sadko is a minstrel, a dreamer who suggests Novgorod would be more prosperous if a river joined Lake Ilmen to the ocean, thus opening up new trade routes. The townspeople deride him, so Sadko consoles himself by singing beside the lake, attracting a flock of swans – daughters of the Sea King – who transform into beautiful maidens. They are led by Princess Volkhova, who wishes to marry a mortal. She and Sadko fall in love and she fixes it for him to catch three golden fish, thus winning a huge wager that enables him to buy merchandise and ships. Sadko’s ship, however, is becalmed on its return voyage and, to placate the grumpy Sea King, Sadko sacrifices himself, plunging to the ocean bed. There he plays the gusli for his wedding celebrations, causing a huge storm from which he and Volkhova escape. Volkhova sings Sadko a lullaby before being transformed into the River Volkhova, enabling Sadko’s ships to sail into Lake Ilmen amidst general rejoicing.

Kramer enthuses about dusting off the score of this “ancient dead ancestor” but decides that he doesn’t always like what he sees and imposes his own version of events. There is voluble programme note guff about protectionism and cosmopolitanism and Sadko keeping his masculine and feminine sides in balance. Kramer updates the action, the minstrel Sadko becoming a failed nightclub singer, earning the derision and ritual humiliation of the Novgorod townspeople – couch potatoes obsessed with the shopping channel. A giant video screen is angled over the set, hyperactively spewing images of consumerism – Scrooge McDuck and Chelsea footballers – amidst glitterballs and lunar landscapes. The Varangian, Indian and Venetian guests (for whom Rimsky provides some of the opera’s best music) are travel agents, touting the merits of their land which quickly dissolve into images of hijacking and slums.

Rimsky-Korsakov’s score has its longueurs but includes magical moments. Early in his compositional career – which coincided with his time in the Russian Navy – he wrote his tone poem Sadko (which I heard the Moscow Philharmonic play just last month). Thirty years later, he took its themes as motifs for his opera. Rimsky’s orchestral writing is opulent, almost Wagnerian – there are even hints of the Rhine’s swirling waters at one point. Dmitri Jurowski drew plenty of dramatic colour from Opera Vlaanderen’s excellent orchestra, while the Chorus sang lustily in the many crowd scenes.---Annemie Augustijns, bachtrack.com


This magical opera by Rimsky-Korsakov tells the story of the artist Sadko who, through his art, wishes to convince others to escape their isolation and discover new worlds. However, his dream is met with hostility. Only Volkhova, the daughter of the Sea King, enraptured by Sadko’s music, helps him to realise his visionary ideas. Rimsky-Korsakov based his story for Sadko on a mediaeval ‘bylina’ or epic about the eponymous adventurer, merchant and minstrel, blending it with various legends of the sea. Balancing between the worlds of humans and the sea and between myth and reality, Sadko emerges as a Slavic variant of both Orpheus and Odysseus. He embodies the creative force of fantasy that wages war with reality.

While director Daniel Kramer reads Sadko as an inner journey between a masculine, explorative and a feminine, spiritual view of the world, in his thoroughly lyrical score, Rimsky-Korsakov brings together Russian folk music and lively ballads with a dynamic orchestration. After a Tchaikovsky triptych, Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk (Shostakovich) and Khovanshchina (Mussorgsky) Opera Vlaanderen will continue its fascinating exploration of Russian opera under the energetic musical direction of Dmitri Jurowski. ---operaballet.be

download (mp4 @2991 MB):

yandex ulozto



administration@theblues-thatjazz.com (bluesever) Films, Video Tue, 05 Mar 2019 15:39:24 +0000
Paul McCartney Live At The Jobing.com Arena, Phoenix, USA 2010 http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/ksiazki-lekcje-filmy/2368-films/24272-paul-mccartney-live-at-the-jobingcom-arena-phoenix-usa-2010.html http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/ksiazki-lekcje-filmy/2368-films/24272-paul-mccartney-live-at-the-jobingcom-arena-phoenix-usa-2010.html Paul McCartney Live At The Jobing.com Arena, Phoenix, USA (Sunday 28th March 2010)

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01 Stage Entrance
02 Venus and Mars/Rock Show
03 Jet
04 All My Loving
05 Got to Get You Into My Life
06 Highway
07 Let Me Roll It
08 Foxy Lady
09 The Long and Winding Road
10 Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-Five
11 (I Want to) Come Home
12 My Love
13 I'm Looking Through You
14 Every Night
15 Two of Us
16 Blackbird
17 Here Today
18 Dance Tonight
19 Mrs. Vanderbilt
20 Eleanor Rigby
21 Something
22 Letting Go
23 Sing the Changes
24 Band on the Run
25 Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
26 Back in the U.S.S.R.
27 I've Got a Feeling
28 Paperback Writer
29 A Day in the Life
30 Give Peace a Chance
31 Let it Be
32 Live and Let Die
33 Hey Jude
34 Crowd Noise

35 Day Tripper
36 Lady Madonna
37 Get Back
38 Crowd Noise

Second encore:
39 Yesterday
40 Helter Skelter
41 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise)/The End

Paul McCartney (Lead vocals, bass,acoustic guitar, piano,
   electric guitar,ukulele, mandolin)
Rusty Anderson (Backing vocals,electric guitar, Acoustic guitar) 
Brian Ray (Backing vocals,electric guitar, acoustic guitar, bass)
Abe Laboriel, Jr. (Backing vocals, drums, percussion)

download (mp4 @923 MB):

yandex mediafire ulozto



administration@theblues-thatjazz.com (bluesever) Films, Video Wed, 24 Oct 2018 20:11:18 +0000
Mark Knopfler and Emmylou Harris – Live in Verona 2006 http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/ksiazki-lekcje-filmy/2368-films/23734-mark-knopfler-and-emmylou-harris--live-in-verona-2006.html http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/ksiazki-lekcje-filmy/2368-films/23734-mark-knopfler-and-emmylou-harris--live-in-verona-2006.html Mark Knopfler and Emmylou Harris – Live in Verona 2006

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01. Right now (AUDIO ONLY) [0:00:00] 
02. Red staggerwing (AUDIO ONLY) [0:04:51] 
03. Michaelangelo (AUDIO ONLY for first part) [0:10:14] 
04. I dug up a diamond [0:15:58] 
05. Born to run [0:20:09] 
06. Red dirt girl [0:24:59] 
07. Band introduction [0:29:41] 
08. Done with Bonaparte [0:33:09] 
09. Romeo and Juliet [0:38:30] 
10. Song for Sonny Liston [0:48:44] 
11. Belle Starr [0:56:01] 
12. This is us [0:59:44] 
13. Boulder to Birmingham [1:06:00] 
14. All the roadrunning [1:09:33] 
15. Speedway at Nazareth [1:14:47] 
16. If this is goodbye [1:24:54] 
17. So far away [1:30:16] 
18. Our Shangri-La [1:34:56] 
19. Why worry [1:45:30]

Mark Knopfler — guitar, vocals 
Emmylou Harris — guitar, vocals 
Guy Fletcher — keyboards 
Richard Bennett — guitar 
Danny Cummings — drums  
Stuart Duncan — fiddle, mandolin 
Matt Rollings — keyboards 
Glenn Worf — bass


Video containing the concert of Mark Knopfler and Emmylou Harris in Verona, taken from the All the roadrunning world tour 2006. It's an outdoor concert, very good picture and sound quality. Some great close ups. The sound quality is really great as the sound of the soundboard recording (radio broadcast on German NDR radio) is mixed with the video. Unfortunately video of Right Now and Red staggerwing is missing from this concert.The first soundboard recording from the All the roadrunning tour 2006, recorded at the beautiful arena of Verona. The show was broadcasted in two parts (21st and 28th August 2006) on German NDR radio. Initially, the Hamburg 2006 show would be broadcasted, but due to technical problems, this recording failed and the radio station got permission to record and broadcast the Verona concert instead. So here it is; great quality, very good versions. A really great recording to listen to!

download (mp4 @1297 MB):

yandex mediafire ulozto cloudmailru



administration@theblues-thatjazz.com (bluesever) Films, Video Sun, 01 Jul 2018 16:27:49 +0000
George Benjamin - Lessons in Love and Violence (2018) http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/ksiazki-lekcje-filmy/2368-films/23569-george-benjamin-lessons-in-love-and-violence-2018.html http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/ksiazki-lekcje-filmy/2368-films/23569-george-benjamin-lessons-in-love-and-violence-2018.html George Benjamin - Lessons in Love and Violence (2018)

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Lessons in Love and Violence		1:31:16

Stéphane Degout - King
Barbara Hannigan - Isabel
Gyula Orendt - Gaveston/Stranger
Peter Hoare - Mortimer
Samuel Boden - Boy/Young King
Jennifer France - Witness 1/Singer 1/Woman 1
Krisztina Szabó - Witness 2/Singer 2/Woman 2
Andri Björn Robertsson - Witness 3/Madman

Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden
George Benjamin - Conductor, Composer

May 26, 2018, Royal Opera House, Covent Garden


Lessons in Love and Violence is the latest collaboration between composer George Benjamin and playwright Martin Crimp. Their previous work includes the large-scale opera Written on Skin – which has since become the most performed new opera of the 21st century. Lessons in Love and Violence combines atmospheric music and penetrating character studies. Director Katie Mitchell and designer Vicki Mortimer, the team behind the first production of Written on Skin, complete the creative team behind this major event in contemporary music.

The opera’s drama begins as King Edward II’s relationship with Piers Gaveston upsets the personal life of court and the political wellbeing of the country. When the controlling military leader Mortimer joins forces with Queen Isabel, the results are deadly for Gaveston and Edward. The lessons learned by the characters of this new opera are harsh ones, following a gripping trajectory from warmth and indulgence towards calculating, cold severity. ---roh.org.uk

download (mp4 @1199 MB):

yandex mediafire uloz.to



administration@theblues-thatjazz.com (bluesever) Films, Video Tue, 29 May 2018 21:29:38 +0000
Ludomir Różycki - Eros & Psyche (2017) http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/ksiazki-lekcje-filmy/2368-films/23260-ludomir-roycki-eros-a-psyche-2017-image-could-not-be-displayed-check-browser-for-compatibility.html http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/ksiazki-lekcje-filmy/2368-films/23260-ludomir-roycki-eros-a-psyche-2017-image-could-not-be-displayed-check-browser-for-compatibility.html Ludomir Różycki - Eros & Psyche (2017)

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1. Eros & Psyche - Warsaw 2017		2:10:48

Psyche - Joanna Freszel
Arete / Ksieni - Wanda Franek
Hagne / Laida / The Monastery's doorkeeper - Anna Bernacka
Hedone / Hanna - Aleksandra Orłowska-Jabłońska
Blaks - Mikołaj Zalasiński
Eros / Arystos / Knight Errant / De la Roche / Stefan - Tadeusz Szlenkier
Hermes / Old Slave / Chaplain / Cafe owner / Hugo - Wojtek Gierlach
Charmion / First Guest / Hr. Albert - Adam Kruszewski
Old Greek / Second Guest / Paul - Grzegorz Szostak
Knight / Youth / Tolo - Mateusz Zajdel

Chorus of the Teatr Wielki - Polish National Opera
Orchestra of the Teatr Wielki - Polish National Opera
Grzegorz Nowak - conductor

19 october 2017, Polish National Opera, Warsaw


Różycki's opera is a real journey of Psyche and Blaks in search of Eros, through 5 eras corresponding to 5 different places: the Golden Age in Arcadia, the Roman Empire, a medieval monastery in Spain, Paris at the time of the French Revolution, and finally a European capital at the beginning of the 20th century. For this Teatr Wielki production, the director Barbara Wysocka has imagined transforming these places and periods into five locations of different film shoots: the videos in the background appear as an abyss of cinema, the images are strong. In short, she shows us the workings of cinema on an opera stage! ---operavision.eu


Eros i Psyche Ludomira Różyckiego to opera oparta na niezwykle popularnym na początku XX wieku dramacie Jerzego Żuławskiego. W okresie międzywojennym dzieło obecne było na scenach europejskich, później niesłusznie zapomniane. Tematem jest wieczna tęsknota człowieka za światem idealnym. Tytułowa Psyche przemierza kolejne epoki – od Starożytnej Arkadii, przez Cesarstwo Rzymskie, średniowieczną Europę, Rewolucję Francuską, aż po początek wieku XX. W każdej z rzeczywistości odradza się w innej roli i na nowo rozpoczyna poszukiwanie ideału.

Zaproszona do realizacji tego utworu w Teatrze Wielkim – Operze Narodowej Barbara Wysocka umieszcza akcję w świecie filmu. Po sukcesie poprzednich inscenizacji (nagrodzona Paszportem „Polityki” Zagłada Domu Usherów, Medeamaterial, Moby Dick) reżyserka powraca, aby zmierzyć się z kolejnym nieoczywistym i monumentalnym dziełem. Powstała inscenizacja, w której plan operowy współistnieje z filmowym, a różne wcielenia Psyche stają się podróżą przez scenerię kolejnych filmów. ---news.o.pl

download (mp4 @1623 MB):

yandex mediafire uloz.to



administration@theblues-thatjazz.com (bluesever) Films, Video Sat, 31 Mar 2018 12:38:49 +0000
George Benjamin - Written On Skin (2012) http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/ksiazki-lekcje-filmy/2368-films/22955-george-benjamin-written-on-skin-2012.html http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/ksiazki-lekcje-filmy/2368-films/22955-george-benjamin-written-on-skin-2012.html George Benjamin - Written On Skin (2012)

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1. Written on Skin		1:36:33

Barbara Hannigan (Agnès) 
Christopher Purves (The Protector)
Bejun Mehta (Angel 1 - The Boy) 
Rebecca Loeb (Angel 2 - Marie)
Allan Clayton (Angel 3 - John)
Mahler Chamber Orchestra 
George Benjamin - composer, conductor

Grand Théâtre de Provence, Aix-en-Provence 

download (mp4 @313 MB):

yandex mediafire uloz.to



administration@theblues-thatjazz.com (bluesever) Films, Video Wed, 31 Jan 2018 15:46:02 +0000